Hypnosis is a state of relaxation and concentration, combined with a sense of heightened awareness, induced by suggestion. Hypnosis is a natural manifestation of the mind.
We care for Individuals with Disabilities:
•And More
We care for Individuals with Disabilities:
•And More
Yes, the predominant feeling of most people is “ it didn’t work for me, I never went under hypnosis. I was only relaxed” You too, will just feel very relaxed.
No (except mentally handicapped people), Non-prescription drugs and alcohol, if taken to excess, can hinder the process. As long as the person is motivated to heal and open to the process.
No. In fact, you would be shocked out of the hypnotic state immediately if any such action was suggested to you.
No. You are extremely relaxed. This is why the technique is called “Conscious Hypnosis”.
As its’ name suggests the Hypno Solution Therapy aims to find a solution in as little time as possible. Smokers or anyone requiring suggestion therapy to change a behavior pattern need between 1-3 sessions.
The more deep rooted nervous disorders require analytical therapy which consists of between 6-10 sessions.
The more deep rooted nervous disorders require analytical therapy which consists of between 6-10 sessions.
Yes, not only can be but should be. For an insight into yourself it has no equal.
After any hypnosis there is always a noticeable improvement, yes it works for most people, again there is always the exception.